Boar's Head
After being not at home for about 37 hours, and at least 10 of those hours being travel time, I still had a good time. I was in two rapier tournaments and didn't do very well in either but I don't care about that. I had fun!I did some pick ups which were the best time I had. Watching others participate was good too. I won an original composition from Don Mateo, which I will do my best to translate into period Spanish after he writes some lyrics, but that is a long way out. I got to see many old friends, meet new ones, and I got about 3-4 inches of blackwork done on the Italian band done during court. I didn't have a tape measure, so I don't know really how much I got done, but it's more than I had done before. I didn't buy anything new at all. I didn't even shop.