Which is exactly what is happening with this blog. I've been up to a lot more than nothing, as usual. I've been doing blackwork and blacksmithing. I helped teach a couple of Danr's younger students. That was fun. I wouldn't mind teaching at the shop more often. Generally just the usual suspects show up. They don't need help with their stuff.
I have been working on my corset, I have about 20 inches done at this point, doubling what I had done before. I didn't make it to Day of Arbeau which I'm not happy about. I had homework since I am a college student, again. I don't miss the homework or the studying. I'm still working full time.
Last week was Customer Service Appreciation Week at work, so I spent the last two weeks doing that. One week to plan, one week for that itself. Now it is over! I'm free! I built a mini golf course in the office. That wasn't easy.
The last event I went to was in Calontir, to Luck of the Gypsies. I cooked on the taginne. It's always a good event when I get to do that. Others from Nordskogen were there, and everyone had a good time. I have no pictures though, having left my camera behind.
The next event I will be at is Northshield Rapier Academy. It is next weekend. After that, is the metal workshop weekend at Danr's. I hope to learn a lot that weekend.
I had some new cooking adventures. I made saffron rice. It was lovely and delicious. Last night I experimented with a spices. I mixed kosher salt, pepper and cinnamon together. It was okay but I should have mixed some sugar with the cinnamon first. What I did first was stuff the chicken with diced tomatoes, then I sewed it shut. I then rubbed it with the kosher salt and baked it for a half hour at around 400 degrees. After the first half hour, I rubbed it with more salt and then pepper and cooked it for another half hour. For the last hour, I rubbed in cinnamon twice. It turned out okay, but could have been better.
I also cannot bake cookies. I can make bread, pastries, cakes, cheesecake, pie crusts, anything except cookies. I don't know why. I also am not good at pancakes. I don't know why.