Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I finished the last item for the costume today...the big white bow for my hair. Everything turned out so well I'm happy to say and it looks good. I'm taking my camera to work. I'll get the pics up tomorrow.

I also popped into heavy practice to drop off Edwin's belt he left at Otsukimi and chatted with G for a bit. I got to try on my socks! G will have them done by the end of the week. I can't wait to get them.

I'm at the point of closing the front on the new work dress. Since I've been working on that, the embroidery for the new Tudor corset has kind of fallen by the wayside. I want the new workdress done by the December folkmoot. By Boar's Head, I want to get my silk dress finsihed. That shouldnt' be hard. I have the two days off before BH, plus the whole week after Thanksgiving, plus the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week. I'll need to do something to keep myself busy. Not like I don't have any books to read...or National Geographics.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Very Bad Week

I think this week is one of the worst I've had in a long, long time.

My truck broke down. It will cost about $1300 to fix. I've managed to scrape enough together to pay for it. My parents have graciously decided to give me some money in lieu of Christmas presents to help cover it, but I had to empty out my savings account.

I had to bike to work one day, and my left leg gave out and I fell. I have some bruises, and my back hurts because that is what I landed on. It's feeling better now. Its really fun to have to kick your bike of yourself. That's a new experience for me.

TJ is very discouraged about not being at home yet. He has another doctor's appointment in a couple weeks, and is hoping to get the cast off and being cleared to drive. I hope so, too. Being at his parent's house is really difficult. I know I wouldn't be able to stand 24/7 with my parents for two months.

On the A&S front, I got new lacing rings from a drapery supply place I found online. They're for making Roman Blinds. I didn't have time to find any around here. It was $6.99 for 100 plus shipping. Then they didn't send me 100, there were only 82. It's enough for now. The rings are 3/8" inside diameter, which is larger than what I want, but they'll work. Pictures to be posted soon!

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Monday, October 08, 2007

Largesse Competition

Lucia lost then found the blackwork I did for her. I'm happy not to have to do that again. I may have more to do for her yet, depending on the outcome from Crown this weekend.

I've started a new work dress in mint green. I'm lining each piece individually, then putting everything together. I'll see how that works. This dress is to see if the pattern fits for the new silk dress I want for Boar's head. I need to work on the other sleeve for that, but it shouldn't take too long. I may need to take the unfinished sleeve apart because I don't think I ever made a pattern for it. It'd be nice to have that if I ever want to make that particular type of sleeve again.
I won, meaning I get a lovely pair of handmade socks from Maestra Giovanna. I did more sweet bags. This time, the pattern on the bags was the compass rose. I brought the honey up to the hard crack stage this time. It was much harder to work with than when it was at the soft crack stage. I'm not sure what I'll do next time. I need to think of something different. This is the second time I've done sweet bags. The pictures are of the raw ingredients, the finished product, the embroidered bags and boiling honey.

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