Thursday, September 06, 2007

New Embroidery Project

As I get around to finishing older projects, I start new ones. I'm now embroidering a silk corset cover in chain and stem stitch. I've gotten good compliments so far. I dont' have much time to work on it because I'm just finishing up a semester right now. I'll get pictures posted sometime.

TJ is doing okay. He went to the orthopedist today and had some staples removed just below his knee, so he marginally more comfortable. He's still pretty much immobile though, and will be for a while yet. Next Friday (14th) he is going for a second surgery to adjust some things so his ankle is in a more natural position. He only has a splint on the back of his leg, ace bandage type wraps (I think) and surgical bandages. There is no cast on his leg. I'll likely be visiting him in Indianapolis later this month.

I'm getting ready to go to Coronation, just to see Ingus elevated. He wanted me to go, and who am I to refuse a friend? It'll be fun though. I'm staying in Khadijah's room. I imagine we'll cause some sort of trouble at some point.